Towards Sustainable and Fair Water Footprints

Water Witness and CDP together with partners from the UK, Finnish, Malagasy, Malawi and Peruvian Governments, amongst others, are calling on businesses, governments, civil society and external support agencies to join a collaborative effort to transform how the global economy interacts with the water environment and the resilience of local communities.

The global production and consumption of food, clothes and goods such as phones, computers and cars have a major influence on society’s climate and water challenges, and their solutions. Our water footprints shape water and climate security for millions of people.

 As the climate emergency escalates, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change the way we interact with water and to harness the power of our water footprints - as individuals, companies, and countries - to ensure that they drive fair, sustainable and resilient water use by 2030.

The Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprints for climate-resilient, inclusive, and sustainable development was officially signed on the 5th November 2021 at COP26 with the launch session occurring on the 8th November, watch the recording here. The declaration commits each constituency to take significant and measurable actions over the next decade. We invite you to be part of our united effort to take on this vital and world-changing endeavour.

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At World Water Week 2021 UK Minister Goldsmith opened a dialogue on water footprints between consumer and producer countries, businesses and civil society. Chaired by the Dutch International Water Envoy Henk Ovink, the session introduced the launch of a partnership at COP26, leading to further commitment and action on the ground.

On Tuesday 5 October 2021, participants had the unique opportunity to help shape the Declaration at a special virtual event hosted by Chatham House Events.

Further resources

Join Water Witness’ campaign for water justice

The Alliance for Water Stewardship

Tackling the Global Water Crisis: the Role of Water Footprints and Water Stewardship An introduction to the issues involved in water footprints and water stewardship

How fair is fashion’s water footprint?
Water Witness 2020 study highlighting the impact of fast fashion in Africa’s rivers

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